venerdì 18 marzo 2011

GREETINGS - I saluti

We have to distinguish between formal and informal greetings:

The most informal and widely known greeting in Italian is CIAO.
CIAO is similar to the English “Hi”, so very informal. It can be used to greet friends and people we know very well.
It can be used both at the beginning and at the end of a conversation.

Other informal ways of greeting to be used only when leaving or ending a conversation are CI VEDIAMO (see you) and A DOPO (see you later).

Another form of greeting is SALVE, which is quite formal, and can be used with people we are acquainted with, as for example with collegues at work, with people we have just met a few times, or when entering a shop.
SALVE should be used only at the beginning of a conversation, when meeting someone.

When leaving, we can say ARRIVEDERCI, which is quite formal and corresponds to “goodbye”. If we want to make it even more formal we can use the courtesy form and say ARRIVEDERLA.

BUONGIORNO and BUONASERA correspond to “Good morning” and “Good evening” and are very formal.
We can use them when meeting someone or when leaving.

BUONA NOTTE corresponds to “Good night”.

When answering the phone we always say: PRONTO, literally meaning “ready”.


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